Honee Design التطبيقات

财神咒 1.5
Honee Design
黄财神为北方司财众部之首领,掌无尽宝库,修此法者,可消灭六道穷苦,增长福德、寿命、智慧,以及一切物质与精神上的受用。心灵上得到满足。象头神犍尼萨为印度教及印度神话中的智慧之神、破除障碍之神。他是湿婆神和雪山神女帕尔瓦蒂(Parvati)的精神之子。象头神信众广泛。在藏传佛教中被称作自在天,欢喜天,圣天,是守护神;在日本,被视为夫妇圆满之神和财神财宝天王,名朗梯色,又称毗沙门天王,多闻天王。是毗沙门天王变化身之一,他是八地菩萨示现的护法身,也是北方多宝佛的化现,作为财神护法,以出世间护法身份之示现。他身居金刚手菩萨的净土——北方柳叶宫,与金刚手菩萨有颇深的渊源,属于金刚手菩萨的部属。其具有大福德,专门保护众生的财富,是世上一切财富的守护者,是掌管财宝富贵、护持佛法的善神。Dzambala as the leader ofthe Northern Division Ministry of Public Finance, palm endlesstreasure repair this law, could eliminate six poor growth Crawford,life, wisdom, and all the material and spiritual good enough. Metthe soul.Bullock Nysa Ganesha Hindu and Indian mythology, the god ofwisdom, get rid of mental disorders. He is Lord Shiva and GoddessParvati Snow (Parvati) sub Spirit. Ganesha is widely believers. InTibetan Buddhism is called the free day, happy day, holy day, isthe patron saint; in Japan, is regarded as a successful couple ofGod and the God of WealthPICKETT, name Lang ladder color, also known as Prevail, heavenlyking. Prevail change is one body, and he is now showing eightBodhisattva of law enforcement body, also north of Dubbo Buddhanow, as Fortuna law enforcement to the show now the identity of thelaw enforcement world. He occupies Vajrapani Pure Land - Northernwillow Palace, and Vajrapani have deep roots, belonging Vajrapanisubordinates. It has a large Waterford, specifically to protect thewealth of living beings, is the guardian of all the wealth in theworld, is in charge of wealth and riches, mostly from the Dharmagood God.
海濤法師手机墙纸 1.0
Honee Design
所有桌布是從 www.lifetv.org.tw/downlond/downlond.htm提供。Life Tv 版权所有。免费结缘,绝无義賣募款,敬请明察。All wallpapers areprovided from www.lifetv.org.tw / downlond / downlond.htm.Life Tv rights reserved.Free soon, no charity fundraising, please Meditate.
海濤語録2 1.2
Honee Design
海濤語録 - 愛人如已Haitao Quotations - loverwho has
9个古老咒语 2.4
Honee Design
阿彌陀佛心咒六字真言文殊咒心经咒绿度母心咒莲師心咒準提心咒七佛滅罪真言藥師心咒Amitabha mantraMantraManjushri mantraHeart MantrasGreen Tara MantraGuru Rinpoche mantraQuasi-mentioned mantraCrime mantra ChilbulbongPharmacist mantra
財神咒2 1.3
Honee Design
財神咒 - 黄財神,象头王財神,財宝天王財神咒2 - 白財神,红財神,绿財神6位財神,必有一位是您的護法財神,每天誦念8次以上,誠心相求。白财神咒唵 贝玛 卓达 阿里呀 针巴拉 司达呀 吽呸白财神藏名(臧哈嘎玻),又名白宝藏王,乃是观世音菩萨的慈悲化身。据说:当阿底峡尊者游化观世音圣地南海普陀之时,在半途见一穷人,贫病交迫,十分可怜。因阿底峡身为僧伽,豪无分文,乏力救度拔苦,深感遗憾之余,不禁黯然下泪。此时观音以大悲心化现人身,问其原委,为何哭泣?阿底峡据实以告,感其悲心,亦流下两滴青泪,由左眼泪珠化现救度佛母,右眼泪珠化现白财神。观世音菩萨嘱咐白财神,此法即辗转至今。修持白财神法门,可祛除贫病穷困之苦,消除罪业障碍,增上顺缘,获得受用无虑,属无财信士起修之妙法。行者亦当以观世音菩萨之大悲心为本,常行无相布施,照顾贫苦大众,自然如愿相应成就。红财神咒嗡 藏巴拉 藏鍊札呀 達拿美迪 捨e梭哈红财神,有能招聚人,财,食等诸受用自在富饶之功德。红财神是萨迦派密法中的一位功德无比的财神。在藏密萨迦派,可恨重视红财神的密修方法及教言。红财神一面二臂,二目善怒面,以各种宝物为饰,头戴五佛冠。古时王者或贵族常修习此法,易与相应,为怀爱之法门。红财神头戴宝冠,右手持摩尼宝,左手抓吐宝鼠,右脚伸做脚曲,立于莲花月轮上。修习红财神法,持诵念咒,可获得红财神护佑,财源茂盛,能免除穷困及一切经济困境。而此修法也随着修行者的发心而可获得不同的果报,如果是发起无上菩提心者,则可得证世间及出世间福德圆满,若是求世间财富者,亦可满足,若是赤贫者,也可获得食物充足的利益。绿财神咒嗡 藏巴拉 藏炼札呀 梭哈绿财神,为东方不动佛之化身。绿财神乃是藏密无上瑜珈部之不二续"时轮金刚本续"中所传出的,亦是东方金刚不动佛(BuddhaAksobhya)所现的应化身,受释迦牟尼佛嘱咐,为一切贫苦众生转大法轮。其功德:令一切作为成功、圆满,净化恶运、障碍,于诸众生受用富饶增长。此尊形像为一头二臂三目,头戴五佛宝冠,上披彩带天衣绸裙,以众宝璎珞作为报身庄严,右手持满愿宝果,左手捉吐宝鼠,以游戏坐姿,右足轻踩于白螺上。Choi Mantra - Dzambala,like head Wang Fortuna, PICKETTChoi Mantra 2 - White Fortuna, Fortuna red, green Wealth6 Fortuna, there must be a law enforcement is your God ofWealth,Chanted more than 8 times a day, sincerity Xiangqiu.White Choi MantraOm Beimazhuoda Ali Bala Secretary of Yeah Yeah needle bah humWhite Fortuna Tibetan name (Zang Haga glass), also known as theking of white treasure, but the incarnation of the Bodhisattva ofCompassion. It is said: When the time Atisha tour of the Holy Land,Nanhai Guanyin in Putuo, halfway saw a poor, poor and sick, verypoor. As a result of Atisha Sangha, ho no nothing, fatigue savesentient Baku, deeply regret I can not help but sadly tears. Atthis time of great compassion now Guanyin person, regardless oftheir whole story, why cry? Atisha truthful advertising, its senseof compassion, tears are shed two drops of green, from the tears ofthe left eye now save sentient Bulmo right tears Pearl of thecurrent White Wealth. Bodhisattva asked White Wealth, this methodis that far removed. White Wealth Dharma practice, you can get ridof the pain of the sick poor, eliminate barriers to sin, increasingthe smooth edge, get good enough without taking into account, is nomagic bullet from the fiscal repair of believers. Walker would alsobe conducted with great compassion Avalokiteshvara of faith,standing no phase Busch, take care of the poor, naturally do soaccordingly achievement.Red fiscal MantraTibetan Om Bala took possession of the chain Sapporo Yeah MideScotia e StudRed Fortuna, there can gather people, money, food, etc. all benefitfrom freedom fertile merit. Fortuna is a red tantric Sakya merit inan extremely Fortuna. In Tibetan Buddhism Sakya, hateful closeattention to the red Fortuna repair methods and teachings. RedFortuna side two arms, two good anger mesh surface is decoratedwith all kinds of treasures, wearing five Buddha crown. Ancientking or aristocracy often attend this method, easy and appropriatefor pregnant Dharma love. Fortuna head wearing a crown of red,right hand holding Mani treasure, treasure spit left hand graspinga mouse, do right foot curved stretch, stand on a lotus flower onwheels. Red Fortuna law practice, reciting mantras, get red Fortunabless, rich resources, can relieve poverty and all the economicdifficulties. And this is also amending the law of the heart andwith the practitioner and get a different karma, if it is initiatedby the supreme Bodhicitta, the world can be proved successful andthe world Waterford, if those who seek worldly wealth, but also tomeet, if extreme poverty who also get the benefit of adequatefood.Green Finance MantraTibetan Om Bala Canglianzhaya StudGreen Wealth, as the incarnation of the Buddha of the East does notmove. Green Wealth supreme Tibetan Buddhism but continued yogaDepartment of Fuji "Kalachakra Tantra" in the outgoing, also is notmoving East Diamond Buddha (Buddha Aksobhya) are now to be theincarnation, by the Sakyamuni Buddha asked, as all the poor turn upFalun beings. Its merit: make everything as successful, successful,purify bad luck, obstacles, Yu Zhu beings benefit from the fertilegrowth. This statue is an image of two arms three eyes, wearingfive Buddha crown, ribbon on Phi tink Chouqun to the publictreasure wreaths as reported solemn body, right hand holding MONLAMtreasure fruit, spit treasure left to catch a mouse, game-sittingright foot stepped on the white spiral light.
海濤語録1 1.2
Honee Design
海濤語録 - 孝顺衆生Haitao Quotations -filial beings
海濤語録5 1.0
Honee Design
海濤語録 - 拯救衆生Haitao Quotations - savesentient beings
佛说八大人覺經 1.0
Honee Design
佛说八大人覺經Eight people feel afterBuddha
彿子行三十七頌 1.2
Honee Design
彿子行三十七頌Thirty-Seven BuddhaSong
大黑天財神 2.3
Honee Design
此大黑天财神是当今最具灵验的财神,每天虔诚如法供养修习,财富、健康、福报随之而来。能够得到大黑天财神密法,是无上的福缘,大家都表示要好好修持,好好珍惜。This big black daysFortuna Fortuna is currently the most efficacious daily piousofferings such as law practice,Wealth, health, good fortune will follow.Wealth can be Mahakala Tantra is the supreme humble, we are said tobe good practice, cherish.
海濤音乐盒3 1.1
Honee Design
所有音乐是從 www.lifetv.org.tw/downlond/downlond.htm提供。Life Tv 版权所有。免费结缘,绝无義賣募款,敬请明察。All music is providedfrom www.lifetv.org.tw / downlond / downlond.htm.Life Tv rights reserved.Free soon, no charity fundraising, please Meditate.
華嚴經淨行品 1.2
Honee Design
華嚴經淨行品Flower Adornment Sutranet product line
海濤音乐盒1 1.0
Honee Design
所有音乐是從 www.lifetv.org.tw/downlond/downlond.htm提供。Life Tv 版权所有。免费结缘,绝无義賣募款,敬请明察。All music is providedfrom www.lifetv.org.tw / downlond / downlond.htm.Life Tv rights reserved.Free soon, no charity fundraising, please Meditate.
海濤語録3 1.0
Honee Design
海濤語録 - 微笑菩萨Haitao Quotations -Smiling Buddha
海濤語録6 1.0
Honee Design
海濤語録 - 入慈悲門Haitao Quotations - intocompassion door
海濤語録8 1.0
Honee Design
海濤語録 - 忍辱慈悲Haitao Quotations - shameMercy
海濤語録4 1.0
Honee Design
海濤語録 - 慈悲心Haitao Quotations -compassion
藥師儀軌 1.3
Honee Design
藥師儀軌藥師七佛南無善名稱吉祥王如來南無寶月智嚴光音自在王如來南無金色寶光妙行成就如來南無無憂最勝吉祥如來南無法海雷音如來南無法海勝慧遊戲神通如來南無藥師琉璃光如來Pharmacist ritualsPharmacist ChilbulbongNamo good name auspicious King TathagataChi Yan Bao month Namo comfortable Tathagata light toneNamo Golden Glory eloquent achievement TathagataNamo worry most wins auspicious TathagataNamo Fa Hailei sound TathagataNan Hai Sheng Hui games not supernatural TathagataNamo pharmacists glass light Tathagata
施食 1.4
Honee Design
施食就是慈悲多施食,护法会变多,身体变健康,家庭会和乐,事业顺利,夫妻感情变好不吵架Soup is mercyDorsch food, law enforcement becomes more, the body becomeshealthy,Family Council and the music, career success, the couple becomesreally emotional quarrel
海濤音乐盒Lite 1.0
Honee Design
所有音乐是從 www.lifetv.org.tw/downlond/downlond.htm提供。Life Tv 版权所有。免费结缘,绝无義賣募款,敬请明察。All music is providedfrom www.lifetv.org.tw / downlond / downlond.htm.Life Tv rights reserved.Free soon, no charity fundraising, please Meditate.
海濤音乐盒2 1.1
Honee Design
所有音乐是從 www.lifetv.org.tw/downlond/downlond.htm提供。Life Tv 版权所有。免费结缘,绝无義賣募款,敬请明察。All music is providedfrom www.lifetv.org.tw / downlond / downlond.htm.Life Tv rights reserved.Free soon, no charity fundraising, please Meditate.
放生 1.3
Honee Design
放生十大功德(一)无刀兵劫。 (二)集诸吉祥。  (三)长寿健康。(四)多子宜男。.(五)诸佛欢喜。(六)物类感恩。(七)无诸灾难。  (八)得生天上。  (九)盖烟酒之癖,恋爱之魔,缠绕众人。如众生报恩,则诸恶消灭,四季安宁。(十)人人戒杀放生,则生生不息,善心相感,正似子孙代代相传,永远福寿Ten merit release(A) No Daobing Jie.(B) set all auspicious.(C) health and longevity.(Four) more children should be male. .(E) the Buddhas joy.(VI) species Thanksgiving.(Vii) no such disaster.(Eight) was born in heaven.(Nine) cover tobacco addiction, the love of magic, windingcrowd.           Asbeings gratitude, then destroy all evil, Four Seasons peace.(J) all killing and release, then going, with a sense ofkindness,           Aredescendants from generation to generation like never longevity
煙供儀軌 2.0
Honee Design
煙供布施給眾生。可以得到生生世世力氣好、福壽長,善根具足Smoke forGive it to all beings.You can get a good effort lifetimes, longevity long Shangenendowed
點燈祈願文 1.1
Honee Design
願燈具 成為等同三千大千世界,願燈炷 僅成須彌山王,願燈油 僅成汪洋,此燈之數,億盞得現於每尊佛前,願此光明,消除三有頂以下,無間地獄以上,所有無明之黑暗,願十方諸佛菩薩之淨土,皆得顯明親見。Lighting is willing tobecome equivalent thousand worlds,Light cone is only willing to Sumeru king,Only willing kerosene into the ocean,This number of lights, the million lights have now in front of eachBuddha,May this light, eliminating three Covered belowSeamless hell above, all the darkness of ignorance,Buddha's Pure Land Shifangzhufo willing,Chieh-te manifest my own eyes.
海濤語録7 1.0
Honee Design
海濤語録 - 慈悲在我家Haitao Quotations -Mercyin my house